剧情介绍及相关问题:Stewart Kane, an Irishman living in the Australian town of Jindabyne, is on a fishing trip in isolated hill country with three other men when they discover the body of a murdered girl in the river. Rather than return to the town immediately, they continue fishing and report their gruesome find days later. Stewart's wife Claire is the last to find out. Deeply disturbed by her husband's action, her faith in her relationship with Stewart is shaken to the core. She wants to understand and tries to make things right. In her determination to help the victim's family Claire sets herself not only against her own family and friends but also those of the dead girl. Her marriage is taken to the brink and her peaceful life with Stewart and their young son hangs in the balance. The story of a murder and a marriage. A powerful and original film about the things that haunt us.
优酷视频网友: 湖边疑云主要是由劳拉·琳妮 加布里埃尔·伯恩 克里斯·海伍德 等主演,由Ray Lawrence执导。
豆瓣电影网友:由Ray Lawrence执导的湖边疑云在澳大利亚发行,整部影片评价很好,叙事流畅,没有拖泥带水之感,镜头与镜头、场景与场景之间衔接的自然灵活,演员阵容强大,并且演员的演技一直在线,全程无尿点。你也可以登录百度问答获得更多评价,豆瓣评分和各大平台口碑都很不错!
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