剧情介绍及相关问题:A modern villa in the dry Portuguese summer landscape. The sun scorching bright high in the sky, four well-built bodies - three male, one female - hanging out by the pool, on the porch, in the bedrooms. All seem to be waiting for something, or as it soon turns out - someone. Scene by scene we are revealed the complex interpersonal relations and the most important, the relation of all the characters with the one who is being waited for. Who is that mythical person and what will happen when he finally arrives? Director Vicente Alves do Ó and his team have succeeded, with an enjoyably beguiling directorial style and visual style, to load dramatic and emotional tension into one of the most tedious of all activities - waiting. Four people waiting for the fifth one, someone who has left and unforgettable mark on the souls and hearts of all of them, in some cases the scar tissue almost visible to the plain eye. As the day gradually turns into night and our knowledge of the group and the mysterious guest that is en route grows, inserting the viewers at the same time with the awe and wonder - who is this devilish person that possesses so much psychological impact on people? Hannes Aava
优酷视频网友: 晒伤斑主要是由雷卡杜·佩雷拉 Oceana Basílio Nuno Pardal 等主演,由Vicente Alves do Ó执导。
豆瓣电影网友:由Vicente Alves do Ó执导的晒伤斑在葡萄牙发行,整部影片评价很好,叙事流畅,没有拖泥带水之感,镜头与镜头、场景与场景之间衔接的自然灵活,演员阵容强大,并且演员的演技一直在线,全程无尿点。你也可以登录百度问答获得更多评价,豆瓣评分和各大平台口碑都很不错!
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