剧情介绍及相关问题:Eighty people from totally diverse backgrounds suddenly find themselves in an undisclosed location where they are expected to compete in a race with simple rules, "If you are lapped twice, you die. If you step off the path, you die. Race… or die." Many will start but only one may cross the finish line alive. Eighty individuals are chosen by an anonymous being, who instantly disappears from where they were to appear on a path, prepared for the race. Each person hears the same message in their own language, with their own voice, and instantly needs to race and survive. People of different sexes, different ethnic backgrounds, and different physical capacities are thrown in. Will it be survival of the fittest or a show of humanity?
优酷视频网友: 人族主要是由Paul McCarthy-Boyington Creep Creepersin Eddie McGee Richard Gale Luke Y. Thompson B. Anthony Cohen T. Arthur Cottam 等主演,由Paul Hough执导。
豆瓣电影网友:由Paul Hough执导的人族在美国发行,整部影片评价很好,叙事流畅,没有拖泥带水之感,镜头与镜头、场景与场景之间衔接的自然灵活,演员阵容强大,并且演员的演技一直在线,全程无尿点。你也可以登录百度问答获得更多评价,豆瓣评分和各大平台口碑都很不错!
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