剧情介绍及相关问题:Together with her father, a 17-year-old girl takes care of her mentally and physically severely disabled sister. This is becoming increasingly exhausting, as she has to sacrifice her own life and dreams. Emotions get out of control and love may easily turn into hate. How to live such a life? Is it even possible to find a compromise here? A masterful film which brings the experiences and choices of those who are forced to be in such a situation frightfully close, doing so very realistically, without pathos. This can only be done with thorough knowledge of the topic. Director Margaux Bonhomme herself has grown up in a family with a disabled person – she has taken care of her own sister. She has carried this story with her for years and has now written it with the blood of her own heart. The lead actors of the film, Diane Rouxel and Jeanne Cohendy, have just shared the Best Actress Award at the Saint-Jean-de-Luz Film Festival in France. And this is how they should be regarded – as an ensemble. Cohendy is in no respect weaker than Daniel Day-Lewis and Leonardo DiCaprio who have given us disabled person roles worthy of an Oscar or an Oscar nomination. Tiit Tuumalu
优酷视频网友: 挣扎2018主要是由戴安·罗赛尔 塞德里克·康 Jeanne Cohendy 巴勃罗·保利 Agathe Dronne Clémentine Allain 格雷·蒙赛京 Etienne Diallo Pascal Carré Mélanie Baxter-Jones Smadi Wolfman Max Harter Wolf 等主演,由Margaux Bonhomme执导。
豆瓣电影网友:由Margaux Bonhomme执导的挣扎2018在法国发行,整部影片评价很好,叙事流畅,没有拖泥带水之感,镜头与镜头、场景与场景之间衔接的自然灵活,演员阵容强大,并且演员的演技一直在线,全程无尿点。你也可以登录百度问答获得更多评价,豆瓣评分和各大平台口碑都很不错!
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